Saturday, 9 April 2011

On creative pathways

I have been soo busy in my day job that I have had to neglect my creative side for a week. It may not sound like a long time but I feel lost when I am not making something! Hurrah for the holidays! What a beautiful day today. I am beginning to stretch my wings and reach out for the sky. A while ago I was following The Artists Way by Julia Cameron, and while talking to someone, it came back to me how powerful and enlightening that book was. I will try to start doing morning pages again. I really looked forward to reading each chapter and to choosing my own special mantra. Then you had to make a page in your journal, using the mantra. I chose learning to fly and used birds( a bit corny and obvious, but it meant something to me) andtext as my visual image. Strangley enough, I find myself returning to birds of late! The book was also heavily into serendipity and that was a lovely experience, searching for links and discovering opportunities. It is certainly a half full book!

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